10Power Serivce Diesel Fuel Supplement and Kleen TechTips130

Diesel Fuel Supplement ® +Cetane Boost ® is a winterizer/antigel that is used in the cold weather months to prevent fuel gelling and keep fuel-filters from plugging with ice and wax. It provides trouble-free winter operation for diesel fuel. Benefits Prevents fuel gelling Protects against fuel-filter icing Boosts cetane for faster cold starts Contains Slickdiesel® Lubricator to protect fuel pumps and injectors from increased wear caused by Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel Effective in all diesel fuels including ULSD and biodiesel blends Prevents Fuel Gelling and Protects Against Fuel-Filter Icing To maximize performance in cold temperatures, Power Service has developed the most advanced cold-flow improver technology available today for all diesel fuels, including Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel and biodiesel blends. Diesel Fuel Supplement is designed to prevent fuel-filter plugging by modifying the size and shape of the wax crystals so they remain small enough to flow through fuel-filters without plugging. It also prevents the wax crystals from settling to the bottom of fuel tanks during storage. Diesel Fuel Supplement also contains a de-icer to help prevent fuel-filter and fuel-line freezing caused by water. DIESEL FUEL SUPPLEMENT MODIFIES WAX IN DIESEL FUELS UNTREATED TREATED DIESEL FUEL SUPPLEMENT ® +CETANE BOOST ® Diesel Fuel Supplement ® +CetaneBoost ® isendorsedand recommendedbyCummins ® Diesel Fuel Supplement ® +Cetane Boost ® is a winterizer/antigel that is used in the cold weather months to prevent fuel gelling and keep fuel-filters from plugging with ice and wax. It provides trouble-free winter operation for diesel fu l. Benefits Prevents fuel gelling Protects against fuel-filter icing Boosts cetane for faster cold starts Contains Slickdiesel® Lubricator to protect fuel pumps and injectors from increased wear caused by Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel Effective in all diesel fuels including ULSD and biodiesel blends Prevents Fuel Gelling and Protects Against Fuel-Filter Icing To maximize performance in cold temperatures, Power Service has developed the most advanced cold-flow improver technol gy available today for all diesel fuels, including Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel and biodiesel blends. Diesel Fuel Supplement is designed to prevent fuel-filter plugging by modifying the size and shape of the wax crystals so they remain small enough to flow through fuel-filters without plugging. It also prevents the wax crystals from settling to the bottom of fuel tanks during storage. Diesel Fuel Supplement also contains a de-icer to help prevent fuel-filter and fuel-line freezing caused by water. Without Diesel Fuel Supplement, large wax crystals block filters and transfer lines, causing fuel gelling. With Diesel Fuel Supplement, small, compact wax crystals flow in suspen- sion for trouble-free winter operation DIESEL FUEL SUPPLEMENT MODIFIES WAX IN DIESEL FUELS UNTREATED TREATED DIESEL FUEL SUPPLEMENT ® +CETANE BOOST ® Diesel Fuel Supplement ® +CetaneBoost ® isendorsedand recommendedbyCummins ® Diesel Fu l Supp ement ® +C tane Boost ® is a winterizer/antigel that is used in the cold weather months to prevent fu l gelling and keep fu l-filters rom plugging with ice and wax. It provides trouble-free winter op ration for diesel fu l. Benefits Prevents fuel gelling Protects against fuel-filter icing Boosts cetane for faste cold starts Contains Slickdiesel® Lubricato to pro ect fu l pumps and injectors from increased wear caused by Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel Effective in all d ese fu ls includ g ULSD and biodiesel bl nds Prevents Fuel Gelling and Protects Against Fuel- ilter Icing To maximize performance in cold temperatures, Pow r Service has developed the most advance cold-flow improver technology available today for all diesel fuels, including Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel and biodiesel blends. Di sel Fu l Supplement is d signe to prevent fuel-filter plugging by modifying the size and shape of the wax crystals so they remain small enough to flow hrough fuel-filters without plugging. It also prevents th wax crystals from settling to the b t om of fuel tanks duri g sto age. Diesel Fu l Supplement also contains a de-icer to help prev nt fuel-filter and fuel-line freezing caused by water. Without Diesel F el Supplement, large wax crystals block filters and tran fer lines, caus g fuel gelling. With Diesel Fuel Supplement, small, compact wax crys als flow in suspen- sion for trouble-f ee winter operation DIESEL FUEL SUPPLEMENT MODIFIES WAX IN DIESEL FU LS UNTREATED TREATED DIESEL FUEL SUPPLEM NT ® +CETANE BOOST ® Diesel Fuel Supplement ® +CetaneBoost ® isendorse and recommendedbyCummins ® Diesel Fuel Supplement ® +Cetane Boost ® is a wi rizer/antig l that is used in he cold weather months to prevent fuel gelling and keep fuel-filt s from plugging with ice and wax. It provides trouble-free winter operation for diesel fuel. Benefit Prevents fuel gelling Protects against fuel-filter icing Boosts cetane for fast r cold starts Contains Slickdiesel® Lubricator to protect fuel pumps and injectors from increased wear caused by Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel Effective in all diesel fuels including ULSD and biodiesel blends Prevents Fuel Gelling and Protects Against Fuel-Filter Icing To maximize performance in cold temperatures, Power Service has developed the most advanced cold-flow i prover technology available oday for all diesel fuels, including Ultra Low Sulfur Dies l (ULSD) fuel and bi dies l blends. Diesel Fu l Supplement s designed to prevent fuel-fi er plugging by modifying the size and shap of the wax crystals so they remain small enough to flow through fuel-filters without plugging. t also pr vents the wax crystals from settl g to the bottom of uel anks during storage. Diesel Fuel Supplement also co tains a de-i er to help prevent fuel-filt r and fuel-line freezing caused by water. DIESEL FUEL SUPPLEMENT MODIFIES WAX IN DIESEL FUELS UNTREATED TREATED DIESEL FUEL SUPPLEMENT ® +CETANE BOOST ® Diesel Fuel Supplement ® +CetaneBoost ® isendorsedand recommend dbyCummins ® TECHNICAL BULLETIN recommended by Cummins ® CATALOG NUMBER 10 www.midwestwheel.com Order NLINE ™ www.midwestwheel.com Order NLINE ™